Coyote Card Game How to Play & Review

Coyote is a Bluffing and Deduction game.

Title: Coyote

Year Published: 2003

Designer: Spartaco Albertarelli

Publisher: Swan Panasia Co., Ltd.

Players: 3-6

Game Time: ~30 mins

Set-up Time: <1 min

Ages: 10+

Theme: Old West

Mechanic: Bluffing, Deduction

How to win: Survive!

Game Description

Coyote is a simple bluffing game in a western setting.

Coyote Set Up

Give each player a headband and shuffle the deck of cards, done!

Coyote Components

Pick a start player.

Coyote Game Play

Each player takes a card and without looking at it and puts it in their headband facing outwards. Everyone now has a chance to look at the cards the other players have on their head.

Coyote Example Hidden Card
In this 4 player game, you can see a total of 8, but what is the total including your card?

The first player will pick a number and then in clockwise order, players either increase that number or call the player out.

Should they decide to call the player out everyone puts their cards on the table. If the last number called is OVER the total, that player gets a Coyote. If it’s equal to or under, the player that called them out gets one instead.

Coyote Example Revealed Card
The total is 9!

A new round starts with the last player to act (Either call a player out or guess a number, whoever didn’t get the Coyote.)

If a player gets 3 Coyotes, they are out of the game.

Coyote 3 Coyotes

The numbers go from 1-20, but there are 5 special cards that mess things up a bit. If one or more is revealed they are resolved in the following order. (It can matter)

Question Mark

Turn over Top Card, the Question Mark is now that card.

Coyote Question Mark
The revealed card was 20, so the total is 28!

Max 0

The Highest Value card is now a 0.

Coyote Max 0
As the 4 is now a 0, the total is 4!

Max –

The Highest Value card in play is now Negative.

Coyote Max -
The 4 is now -4, so the total is 0!


Doubles the total of all the cards in play.

Coyote x2 Card
The total is doubled so is now 16!


Not as special this one it’s just a 0. However, when the card is revealed you reshuffle the deck of Feathers.

Coyote Zero Card
The total is 8! But the deck is now reshuffled.

Game End

When only one player remains, they are the winner.


If you’re struggling to see if people are throwing you off with their number, check out my tips for bluffing games.

What a fun game.

It’s often compared to Perudo and rightly so, but in Perudo you only have information on your dice, no one else’s. In Coyote, you know everything BUT your card which makes it more interesting in my opinion.

When you call someone out confidently, lift the card out your band and slap it smugly down on the table only to release it’s the ‘x2’ card and everyone was giving a low number to trick you. Argh!

That kind of bluffing is there. You can work out what the person to your left can see (apart from your own card obviously) and try and trick them into calling you out. Or manoeuvre the game to eliminate the person after them. (We do, it’s great :))

The version I have also came with these tokens for an advanced game that gives you additional actions instead of taking an action on your turn.

Advanced Tokens

Super fun and super simple!

Coyote Rating

VERY fun, always hilarious.

I give it 8/10

Coyote First Impressions June 2015

Components for Old Version

Most of the cards are 1-20 in various amounts, but there are special cards such as double the total and minus cards. Sucks if you get one! but that’s most of the fun really…

It is fun though and the headband/feathers add to the silliness. Shame the box is one of those really crappy cubes.

Jesta ThaRogue

Coyote Card Game How to Play & Review
Article Name
Coyote Card Game How to Play & Review
A review of Coyote complete with How to Play.
Jesta ThaRogue


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